• Aprender y mostrar lo que las niñas saben sobre esperanza, sanación y libertad. 
  • Visibilizar la importancia de las niñas, celebrar lo que significa ser niña y reconocer su potencial para influir y transformar sus territorios y localidades.
  • Sensibilizar a adultos, niños y al resto de la sociedad sobre el papel de las niñas como sujetos políticos, creadoras de conocimiento y sabiduría.

Girls from the past: the curators creations stories of girl’s resistance
Our girls from the past were the curators of the Book of Stories of Resistance. We wanted them to return to feel and listen to the various voices present in this book with a curious gaze. A gaze that sought to resonate with experiences, knowledge, dreams, and practices that nourish the narratives of hope, healing, and liberation in our feminist movements and resistances.

This re-reading and collective re-imagining allowed us to create a poetic curation where the voices present during each creative encounter conversed about inspirations, our paths to healing, our dreams, and hopes. Below, we share the methodology of these spaces of play and creation with the girls of the past. Aquí tienes la traducción al inglés:

Activistas de America Latina

Girls from the present: México and Nicaraguan
As part of the latin america creative sessions we decided to replicate the session with the girls from the present. We extended an invitation to feminists working with girls across Latin America to co-lead and co-create efforts that inspired hope, resistance, healing, freedom, and defense of the territory and appropriation of space.

This call was answered by 13 groups and individuals - 12 from Mexico and one from Spain. Together, they held 13 transformative efforts where we learned, unlearned and relearned about girlhood, resistance, and the possibilities when we center, listen and support girls.

Que territorios pisamos, por donde pasamos, dónde encontrar historias de resistencia …

Que aprendimos de las niñas , que historias de resistencia nos alimentan….

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Saber más …
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Saber más …
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Saber más …

Aprendí que juntas somos aún más fuertes. Que los recuerdos y experiencias de las diablas viejas impulsan a que las niñas diablas del presente y del futuro, sean lo que quieran ser, a respaldarse, acompañarse sin temores y a continuar creyendo que otros mundos son posibles”. Nayeli Blancas, México.


Historias de :
*** Ana Juarez Castellaños
*** Joselin Velásquez
*** Ángela Karina Sic


Historias de:
*** Denisse Sevilla
*** María José Díaz

Leer historia completa


Historias de:
*** Emily Reyes
*** Sofía Regalado

Costa Rica

Historia de:
*** Emma Chacón


Historias de:
*** Germana Gabriela Montalvo


Historias de:
*** Jinna Yennsy Rosales
*** Katerine Reyes
*** Shari Sarai Izaguirre



Historia de:
*** Milagros Ailen Saavedra


Historia de:
*** Thays De Nazaré

Historia de:
*** Verónica Vera
