We provide accompaniment from thinking, doing, and feeling through the recognition, study and interpretation of power relations between people, communities, systems and institutions, to accompany their transformation from the rational, symbolic, energetic and spiritual.

From thinking
- Local, national and regional research and mapping
- Analysis on Human Rights and its ramifications: gender, identities, youth, environmental rights
- Feminist Trainings
- Research, analysis and recommendations on Human Rights in different contexts and social groups
- Analysis and campaigns in favor of Consumer Rights
- Implementation of intervention projects
- Co-design of participatory projects or public policy proposals

From doing
- Translation, interpretation and use of inclusive language
- Storytelling and collective communications
- Strategic planning
- Formation, training and facilitation of meetings for work teams
- Creation of protocols for attention to cases of violence –harassment and sexual violence–
- Structuring and planning of feminist finances
- Resource mobilization
From feeling
- Healing and comprehensive feminist care for activists and social movements
- Accompaniment in grief, in cases of sexual harassment, bornout, internal conflicts and racism
- Collective healing rituals, because the spiritual is political
- Collective healing rituals, because the spiritual is political
- Creative awakening and connection with art
We are feminist activists from different corners of Latin America, dedicated to healing, transforming, co-creating, questioning and analyzing in harmony, from the personal to the collective. We work to strengthen the hearts, voices and actions of social movements and organizations through comprehensive, holistic, innovative and inspiring strategies that increase our strength to build the world we dream: a loving, just, caring and equitable world where our diverse identities are celebrated and in balance mother earth.

We aspire to
Build a loving, fair, supportive and equitable world. How? Catalyzing the strength and sustainability of social and political movements dedicated to transforming and dismantling oppressive systems.
Existir como cooperativa para escuchar, comprender, colectivizar, acompañar, compartir: recursos, herramientas y fuerza con organizaciones, movimientos sociales y actores políticos.
Aportar desde nuestro corazón, mente y espíritu feminista, decolonial y popular metodologías útiles, amorosas, creativas, críticas, para luchar colectivamente por la dignidad de las personas, la igualdad y equidad, la justicia social, económica y ambiental.

We came from
We came from different paths. We look at the past to understand and learn but, above all, to root ourselves in our present and create just and joyful futures.
Dejamos atrás espacios jerárquicos, liderazgos miopes o torpes, en los que el interés personal o institucional se imponía al bienestar colectivo, desconectados de nuestra historia, autómatas de la productividad en lo social, de la heteronorma que promueve la ambición, la competencia y el aislamiento dentro y fuera de los equipos de trabajo, de los movimientos sociales, así como entre los activistas sociales.
Hemos recorrido juntas los retos del presente, enfrentando con resiliencia las realidades que nos ha subrayado la pandemia de 2020, dándonos cuenta de lo poderoso de poner en el centro el cuidado digno de las personas y las colectividades, no sólo desde lo racional, también desde lo espiritual, biológico, energético y estructural.