Sukuamis, is a pur'epecha (indigenous community from the northwestern region of Michoacán, Mexico) word that refers to witches, that is, people who have wisdom and knowledge to bring about healing.

We are feminist activists from different corners of Latin America, dedicated to healing, transforming, co-creating, inquiring, and analyzing in harmony from the personal to the collective

We work to strengthen the hearts, voices and actions of social movements and organizations through comprehensive, holistic, innovative and inspiring strategies that increase our strength to build the world we dream: a loving, just, caring and equitable world where our diverse identities are celebrated and in balance mother earth.


Perla is a Mexican feminist and human rights defender. Her passion and work has focused on economic justice especially for social movements in the global majority (global south).

She accompanies organisational processes from an integral feminist approach of accompaniment based on popular education.


Laura is a is a cuir (queer) Colombian feminist activist sprouting collective action through the power of storytelling. Her activism began through her work within the immigrant and refugee rights movement and expanded across feminist and intersecting social movements. She finds inspiration in social movements, collective care, art, and those that root themselves in solidarity, hope, and love.


Ale is Mexican activist and human rights defender, with a degree in International Relations. For fifteen years he has been working with and for youth rights and the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people in Mexico and Latin America.


Nancy is a feminist organisational psychologist, specialist in psychocorporal work, crisis intervention and psychotrauma. Expert in integral feminist accompaniment for more than 20 years with women human rights defenders, women victims of violence, victims of crime, law enforcement officials and therapists.


Elizabeth has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Science with a specialisation in sustainable agricultural production. She is an Indigenous P'urhépecha woman. She has a diploma in gender and feminism from the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, and is passionate about embroidery, from where she plans to build an economic justice project for the women embroiderers of Cherán.


Tania is Mexican, feminist, human rights defender, sexual dissident, she is an anthropologist and historian, specialist in organisational processes from a feminist approach, experience and expertise in working with indigenous peoples. She accompanies to strengthen grassroots organisations and collectives, and supports monitoring and evaluation of processes. She has collaborated in projects and processes with Tojolabal, Purhépecha and Rarámuri Indigenous women.


Montserrat has a degree in Politics and Social Management from the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM-XOC). She has worked in various civil society organizations dedicated to the defense and promotion of human rights. Her experience includes fundraising, accompaniment to victims, dialogue with authorities and institutional strengthening.


From narrative practice, collage or the production of events, Navaja editora has been a great collaborator who accompanies us to generate poetic narratives.


Tania R.

Tania has a degree in Social Work from the National School of Social Work of the UNAM and a Master's Degree in Clinical and Forensic Psychotraumatology. She has the Certification of Competence in the Standard EC0308 Training for public servants in and from the approach of Equality between women and men. She has coordinated several training processes for the staff of civil society agencies and organizations on topics such as human rights, public policy, gender perspective, mental health, differential approaches, context analysis, among others.


Luisa is a feminist through intuition, activism and professional training. She has a degree in Social Psychology from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco campus and a Master's degree in Women's Studies from the same university, with specialization in the processes that articulate cultural and artistic production with gender and public space.


Intercultural manager by the UNAM, specialized in mediation of intercultural conflicts and social studies of science and technology. Human rights defender, feminist and popular pedagogy educator. Involved in the defense of water, territory and peoples collective rights.


Catherine Dousdebes es una artista visual colombiana egresada de La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana con máster en Periodismo de La Universidad del Rosario. Actualmente ejerce como ilustradora e historietista bajo el seudónimo de Pizza Hawaiiana. Ha trabajado para editoriales y medios nacionales e internacionales. Su trabajo personal narra historias personales basadas en su cotidianidad y experiencias.

alina G

Luis R.

social anthropologist from UAM--Iztapalapa, currently studying a law degree at the UNAM.